Work toward a potential diagnosis with just a simple blood test
- In patients with Aromatic L-amino Acid Decarboxylase (AADC) deficiency, the neurotransmitter metabolite 3-OMD is elevated in plasma3-5
If 3-OMD is elevated3
Reflex diagnostic tests will be conducted, including AADC enzyme activity analysis and DDC gene sequencing3
Why test for 3-OMD?
Typically, the diagnosis of AADC deficiency requires cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) neurotransmitter analysis.
However, 3-OMD, a catabolic product of L-dopa that accumulates in individuals with AADC deficiency, can be detected in their blood.6
WATCH: Why screen for levels of 3-OMD in the blood of patients suspected of having AADC deficiency?
Keith Hyland, PhD, explains what 3-OMD is and why physicians should screen for it in patients who may have AADC deficiency
3-OMD=3-O-methyldopa; GABA=gamma-aminobutyric acid.